Welcome to SWATCA 2025 on SCHED!

Here you will find the list of all the great sessions, speaker information, exhibitors and more! Check back here often for information on draws, prize winners, session updates and more!!

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Thursday, February 20

7:00am MST

8:45am MST

10:00am MST

10:30am MST

Designing Reliable and Fair Selected-Response Questions that Increase Student Success L1168Keith Griffioen Empowering Educators: Navigating Grading Reform Through Incremental Changes for Student Success L1170AAAC Facilitator ATRF Your Pension Essentials L1060Pension Counsellor Unlocking Motivation: How to Reach and Reignite Disengaged Teens in Learning SA6010Aly Pain Bored to Board: Bringing Games into the Classroom AH175Anna Gotgilf • Tom Scott Helping Students Navigate Academic Vocabulary Across Subject Areas TH277Karena Hartson Outreach and Alternative Education Conversations TH143Meg Fraser Bucking the Status Quo: Recognizing and Standing Up Against Misogyny in Schools TH341Elaina Mohrmann Up On Your Feet! - Courageous Storytelling Through The Lens Of Theatre Education AH116Dani Driusso Autism: Honest discussion, practical ideas and some funny stories TH173Carmen Moore The Science of Language Learning PE275Michael Witten Finding Home on The Range: Exploring Alberta’s Wildlife and Conservation Agriculture M1040Inside Education Enhance Wellbeing, Enhance Learning: The CSH Approach L1170BCourtnay Epp • Lyndsey Spring • Nisa Alook-Lambrecht BLAST: A Targeted Literacy Intervention TH201Nancy MacLellan Bridging the Reading Gap SA6012Heather Willms Studying Story Through the Lens of Film TH241Matt Vanden Dungen ELA and SS - Engaging Tasks Connected to Conflict PE261Joanna Zakus • Nicholle Morrison New Leaders on the Block AH176Taylor Keith Weekdays ‘Til 6: A simple solution to a complex problem M1030Ray Hoppins Creating Thinking Opportunities in K-3 Math TH373Sandy Bakos 4titude Math: Mathematics Learning Beyond Adversity L1050Megan Russell Cultivating Compassion: Building a Safe and Supportive School Environment for All AH117Lisa Everitt Extended/Long Term Disability: It’s All About the Medical AH118Jeff Spady Creating Collaborative Communities PE264Kylie Besplug • Annie Greeno Quantum Physics Explained So It Makes Sense M1060Spencer Wenzel Using Video Game Software to Build Digital Teaching Tools (in any subject) TH204Peggy Au • Steve Sogo • Rick Tam

12:00pm MST

Origami in the Classroom: Engaging Young Minds Through Paper Folding M1060Kaniz Fatima • Mohmmad Monir Alam Ungrading: Replacing the tyranny of ranking, rating, and failing L1168Brent Saccucci 15 Amazing Things I Learned from Retiring Teachers M1030Ray Hoppins ATRF Steps to Receiving Your Pension L1060Pension Counsellor Financial Wellness - it's more than just investments! AH116Rick Harcourt • Capital Planning Modernizing Alberta's Apprenticeship Education System: Opportunities and Innovations L1170GShaun Fay • Paul Hrynew Respect and Boundaries: The Secret Behind Well-Behaved Classrooms with Cool Factor SA6010Aly Pain Rethinking Challenging Behaviour - An Introduction to Collaborative Problem Solving® SA6008Matt Sticksl Leveling Up Learning: Using Games as a Formative Assessment Technique L1170AAAC Facilitator Bored to Board: Bringing Games into the Classroom AH175Anna Gotgilf • Tom Scott Future Stewards: Building Critical Thinkers for a Sustainable World M1040Inside Education Let the Waters Flow: Learning to Let Go When Things Go 'Off Plan' TH173Carmen Moore Move Over Cigarettes: Vapes and Nicotine Pouches are Hooking Our Youth M1090Alberta Health Services Grade 4s Don't Write Novels TH241Matt Vanden Dungen Media Literacy in the Alberta Elementary Classroom TH143Denise Lemay-Moore My Semester of Sports: A high school English teacher's adventure with a sports-themed ELA class TH341Alisha Sims My Students Can’t Summarize! Please Help! TH277Karena Hartson Novel Studies - How to do it well! PE261Joanna Zakus • Nicholle Morrison Reading Intervention at the Classroom Level SA6012Heather Willms Unlocking the Power of the Public Library TH201Paige McGeorge Targeting Spatial Reasoning TH373Sandy Bakos BrainPulse L1050Lucas Coffey Fun, Fast, Fresh, Free! New Resources for Teaching K-6 Physical Education and Wellness PE264Ever Active Schools Leading for Equity: Unpacking Leadership Models, Gendered Expectations, and Bias in Alberta Schools AH117Lisa Everitt Teacher Safety Net AH118Jeff Spady The Board Gamification of the New Social Curriculum PE275Tyson Niwa HPEC - Finnish Baseball (Pesäpallo) and other group games for PE Chinook High SchoolOmar Kadir

1:30pm MST

Coffee Art: Caffeine and Creativity TH241Tyler Wardrop Help! I need art ideas!!!! M1090Tania Unguran Mapping Your Assessment Plan L1170AAAC Facilitator The Truth About Supporting ADHD Students and Why Outdated Methods Aren’t Working SA6010Aly Pain Teaching is a Joke - Learning Through Laughing PE275Brian Dawydiuk ATA Women in Leadership Roundtable AH116Lisa Everitt pîmastîhwâkiskiyihta How to weave Rupertsland Institute’s Métis Education Resources in your Classroom TH143Holly Brandsma Return To The Falls - Educational Film Screening The Story of a Little girl who survived the Residential School System M1035Eppo Eerkes • Guide Fleury Teaching Food and Nutrition – new K-9 Health and Wellness lesson plans ready for you! M1060Alberta Health Services "Pop" goes the cannon: I *have* to teach the classics. Now what? TH341Alisha Sims Linked Text Sets - A New Way To Scaffold for Knowledge Building TH277Karena Hartson Grade 9 - Engaging Projects PE261Joanna Zakus • Nicholle Morrison Unlocking the Vault: Secrets of Exemplary Football Programs in Alberta TH201Ron McIntyre Making Fun of Math Fluency Basic L1060Alan Riewe Come African Drum With Me! AH176Jessica Lysak Drum Circles for Youth: Connect L1050Lucas Coffey Celebrating Intercultural Connection and Inclusion in Physical Education PE264Hayley Degaust Counting Time AH118Jeff Spady Step by Step - take a stroll on the Camino AH117Bryan Pritchard 99 Ways to help your Catholic School Culture Grow TH173Carmen Moore E3 Wind Rally for Grades 7-9 M1030Peter Gallagher Science of My Everything; Stories to Make Learning Relevant TH204Peggy Au Science on a Budget: Bringing the New K-6 Science Curriculum to Life Indoors and Outdoors! M1040Inside Education Space Exploration- NEW Locally Developed Course, and Space resources to access for K-12 Science L1168Cilena Mathieu • Elaine Jacklynn Comment préparer une dissertation en explorant une source ? L1170GMarc Fecteau Let’s Make a Visual Journal: Bookbinding and Promoting Metacognition in the Classroom AH175Darrin Wilson

3:00pm MST

4:00pm MST

Friday, February 21

6:45am MST

8:45am MST

10:00am MST

10:30am MST

Creating and Transitioning Math Assessments for Outcome-Based Reporting TH204Matt Vanden Dungen Level up inclusivity in Middle/High school through Esports! M1060John Thai Teach Across the Curriculum Like a B.O.S.S. with Computational Thinking & Scratch L1050Trevor Iampen ARTA and the ARTA Benefit Plans - Looking Ahead to New ADVENTURES "Presented by Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association TH143Ray Hoger Mental Health - Rise, Know Your Worth, Find Your Way PE264Marco Corbo Enhancing Differentiation in the Classroom through Theme-Based Lessons TH201Natasha Goddard Stories are a Path to Belonging: The Use of Literature to Foster Inclusion and Empathy in the Classroom L1170BAaron Stout Canada Out of the Closet - Stories to Help You Support 2SLGBTQ+ Students AH175Travis Boser How to Be the Change: Building Courage and Capacity in Support of Marginalized Populations L1170AJen Scott Brain Bins: Supporting Self-Regulation in the Elementary Classroom PE261Jordan Code-Maitland The W.I.S.E Choice: A simple and effective formula for emotionally controlled decision making. AH116Levi Stanford Intégrer l’intelligence artificielle dans notre pratique: possibilités, avantages et limites TH277Andrée Belhumeur Eat the Fugly Carrot M1030Mike Dorion • Eve Izewski Fluency in the Secondary Classroom TH341Michelle Bence • Miriam Ramzy The ‘Not So Happily Ever After’ Storytelling Workshop TH173Andrew Buckley What’s New in Books? The 6-12 Edition PE250Kari Tanaka • Becky Colbeck Write On: Hands-On Activities To Get Your Students Going L1168Miranda Krogstad Best Practices in Mentorship: A Guide to Supporting Student Teachers and Novice Colleagues AH117Dawn Burleigh • Greg Ogilvie Stop Wasting My Time!! Strategies for Effectively Facilitating Team Meetings M1090Kurtis Hewson Unlocking Leadership Potential: Strategies for Student Growth and Resilience AH176Carman Murray Mathematical Marvels TH241Dave Martin Activities that Increase Engagement in Upper Elementary Music L1060Sara-Mae Dafoe AI Prompting for Teacher Success PE275Gail-Ann Wilson Mitchell Code of Professional Conduct: Navigating the Alberta Teaching Profession’s Processes. AH118Richard Svoboda Evolving Ideas on the Fabric of Space M1040Chris Goble Engaging Activities to Help Enhance and Engage Middle School Students in Social Studies M1035Nicole Swen

12:00pm MST

Designing Valid, Reliable, and Fair Constructed-Response Questions that Increase Student Success AH118Keith Griffioen Re-assessing classroom assessment TH241Dave Martin AI in the Woodshop: Learn to Generate Activity Instructions, Material Lists, and Rubrics with the help of our Robot Overlords M1060Joshua Overland Building Bridges: Empowering Educators to Support Youth Through Adversity AH116Carlamay Sheremata Students in the Drivers’ Seat: Ready-to-Use Strategies for Student Voice and Choice AH175Erin Quinn • Tara Vandertoorn The Curriculum of Care TH201Alea Steinborn OUT at School: Creating Queer & Trans Affirming Classrooms L1170ABrent Saccucci From Concept to Script - Screenwriting Workshop TH173Andrew Buckley AI & Learning Strategies M1040Chris Goble Difficultés d'apprentissage chez les adolescents - stratégies TH204Isabelle Barre As we think, we live. L1050Chris Hughes Introducing HSISSFF: Your High School’s Independent Shakespeare Short Film Festival! M1030Tyler Perry The Layers of Writing Development TH341Michelle Bence • Miriam Ramzy The Power of the Read Aloud M1035Nicole Swen What’s New in Books? The K-5 Edition PE250Kari Tanaka • Becky Colbeck Wild at Heart || Cross-Disciplinary Writing Techniques L1168Miranda Krogstad Intentional Use of Data to Guide and Inform the Collaborative Conversation M1090Kurtis Hewson Chaos to Calm: Energizing Your Classroom Management AH176Carman Murray Promote Yourself: Resumes and Cover Letters that Get Noticed PE275Gail-Ann Wilson Mitchell

2:30pm MST


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